Espruino and the Wii Nunchuck
Espruino project demonstrates the Wii Nunchuck and the RGB123 LED Matrix
Back in 2013 the Espruino project demonstrated building a simple pong system using an RGB123 LED Matrix and a Wii Nunchuck
Wii Nunchuck Pinout
- The Wii Nunchuck is an I2C (synchronous serial computer bus) device.
- SDA and SCL need wiring up to the corresponding I2C pins (of the same I2C port) on the NodeMCU.
- According to variants/nodemcu/pins_arduino.h the default SDA/SCL pins on the NodeMCU are:
- SDA (data) = GPIO4 (D2)
- SCL (clock) = GPIO5 (D1)
Nunchuck | Descr | Espruino | esp8266-01 | NodeMCU |
White | Gnd | Gnd | Gnd | Gnd |
Red | 3V3 | Vdd | Vdd | Vdd |
Yellow | SCL | B6 | D0 | GPIO5 (D1) |
Green | SDA | B7 | D2 | GPIO4 (D2) |
With Espruino and the NodeMCU, the “D” pin is the GPIO number, not the D-pin number.
The example provided by the Espruino project has the code as:
var wii = require("wii_nunchuck").connect(I2C1);
However, a forum post suggests that we will need to configure the ports and set the CPU frequency
var ESP8266 = require('ESP8266');
pinMode(D1, 'opendrain'); // scl
pinMode(D2, 'opendrain'); // sda