Applesoft BASIC Double Low Resolution Graphics
- In the normal Lo-Res graphics mode, the screen resolution is 40x40 pixels.
- The Double Lo-Res graphics mode is so named because the pixels along the X-axis are doubled to create a 80x40 pixel screen.
Lo-Res Colors (0 - 15)
- 0 black
- 1 red
- 2 Dark Blue
- 3 purple
- 4 Dark Green
- 5 Gray
- 6 medium blue
- 7 light blue
- 8 Brown
- 9 orange
- 10 gray
- 11 Pink
- 12 light green
- 13 Yellow
- 14 Aqua
- 15 white
On the IIc and IIgs, double lo-res can be accessed from Applesoft:
10 D$=CHR$(4)
20 PRINT D$;"PR#3" : REM 80-column mode
30 POKE 49246,0 : REM $C05E - enable double resolution graphics
40 GR : REM Turn on double lo-res mode
- Use the standard lo-res commands to draw.
- The available drawing area is 80 columns and 40 or 48 rows.
- The colours are identical to standard lo-res.
- The
function, which reads the color of a pixel at an X,Y coordinate, does not work properly in double lo-res.
Normal Lo-Res has a resolution of 40x40.
|(0,0) (39,0)|
| |
| |
|(0,39) (39,39)|
|VTAB 21 | 4 rows
Double Lo-Res has a resolution of 80x40.
|(0,0) (79,0)|
| |
| |
|(0,39) (79,39)|
|VTAB 21 | 4 rows
10 D$=CHR$(4)
20 PRINT D$;"PR#3" : REM 80-column mode
30 POKE 49246,0 : REM $C05E - enable double resolution graphics
40 GR : HOME : GRaphics Mode
120 COLOR=1
130 HLIN 0,79 AT 0
135 COLOR=13
140 HLIN 0,79 AT 39
145 COLOR=12
150 VLIN 0,39 AT 0
155 COLOR=7
160 VLIN 0,39 AT 79
200 FOR X=1 TO 79 STEP 2
220 COLOR=14
230 Y=X/2
235 X1=X-1
236 PRINT X;" ";X1;" ";Y
240 PLOT X1,Y
245 PLOT X,Y
260 NEXT X
300 FOR X=1 TO 79 STEP 2
320 COLOR=15
330 Y=X/2
333 Y=39-INT(Y)
335 X1=X-1
336 PRINT X;" ";X1;" ";Y
340 PLOT X1,Y
345 PLOT X,Y
360 NEXT X