Applesoft BASIC Low Resolution Graphics

Lo-Res Colors (0 - 15)

Lo-Res Dimensions

Lo-Res with 4 rows of text

    |(0,0)                   (39,0)|
    |                              |
    |                              | GRAPHICS
    |                              |
    |(0,39)                 (39,39)|
    |HTAB  1                       | TEXT
    |VTAB 21                       | 4 rows

Lo-Res full graphics mode

    |(0,0)                   (39,0)|
    |                              |
    |                              |
    |                              |
    |                              |
    |                              |
    |                              |
    |(0,47)                 (39,47)|

Drawing in Lo-Res


10 GR : HOME
20 COLOR=1
30 HLIN 0,39 AT 0
35 COLOR=13
40 HLIN 0,39 AT 39
45 COLOR=12
50 VLIN 0,39 AT 0
55 COLOR=7
60 VLIN 0,39 AT 39


100 GR : POKE 49234,0 : HOME
110 FOR X = 0 TO 39
120 FOR Y = 0 TO 47
130 COLOR = INT(X/10) + 4 * (INT(Y/12))
140 PLOT X,Y
150 NEXT
160 NEXT

categories: appleii | appleiie | applesoftbasic | retrocomputing |