Using Fabio, the zero-configuration load-balancer
- Fabio uses the Consul Service Catalog to dynamically create routes to backend services.
- Fabio determines the routes based on the tags
Start Consul
- Using docker containers so we can create a 3-node cluster.
- The ports from the master server will be shared so they are accessible from the underlying host.
- The Consul UI will be available at http://localhost:8500/ui
Start a backend web service
- Hello is a very simple web service that will respond to any request.
Register the web service with the Consul Service Catalog
List Services in Consul
De-Register a Service
Consule UI
Start Fabio
- Admin Portal:
- Fabio HTTP proxy listening on :9999
- Fabio assumes that the consul agent is running on localhost and will connect to it to query the service catalog.
Fabio UI